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For any board, 75 topics will be shown in your browser.
A page link (Pages: <[1] 2 3 4 ....) will automatically be added, if necessary.
The page link is repeated at the bottom of the board.
⇑ Top of Page ⇑

To the left of the page you can see some icons, which give you some information about each topic.
There is a short explanation of these icons at the bottom of the topic list.

A topic you have posted in. Indicates that you have participated in this topic
(either by starting it or by posting at least one reply).

A normal topic. Indicates that you have not participated in this topic.

Locked topic. See Why are topics locked ?

Sticky topic. See What are Sticky Topics (and why) ?

Topic contains a poll

The icons in the second column can be set by the poster, to indicate something about the post.
(see Posting Topics and Replies)

Next to the topic title (link) you will see a blue icon:

This topic is new, or has been replied to since you last saw it.

It will not appear, if you reply to a topic, because if you wrote the reply,
then it is not as far as you are concerned.

⇑ Top of Page ⇑
To the right of the board there are three buttons:

Switch notifications on/off for this board.
You can choose be notified by e-mail whenever a new topic/reply is posted to this board.

This button is a toggle switch:

if notification was switched off, you will be asked
- "Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new topics for this board?"

if notification was switched on, you will be asked
- "Are you sure you wish to disable notification of new topics for this board?"

Click here to start a new topic (see Posting Topics and Replies)

similar to "new topic" but you can also include a poll in your topic.
(see Posting Topics and Replies)

These buttons are repeated at the bottom of the board.